Dynamic Co.’s experts are very well aware of that fact that great care is required in constructing, welding and repairing steel plates. In Dynamic Co. we bring together experienced management and engineering along with certified welders to steel plate fabricate weldments of all sizes and purposes.

Dynamic Co. uses the following repair and welding methods for steel plates:

  • Shearing
  • Flame cutting
  • Plasma cutting
  • Cold forming
  • AZ cracking
  • Weld procedures

We select our weld procedures always taking into account a number of
factors linked to the properties of the steel plates to be welded. An example will give you a clearer idea of the precision and meticulousness characterizing our work.

For example, we minimise Haz cracking by:

  • Pre-heating the parent material before welding
  • Selecting consumables with low hydrogen content
  • Ensuring that the joint surfaces are perfectly clean
  • and dry
  • Minimising the shrinkage stresses by making sure that the  workpieces and a planned sequence of weld runs fit well

From the beginning of your steel fabricating project to finished fabrication, you will receive the highest degree of professionalism and expertise available in our field.